Manequins de intubação e manequins de vias aéreas

Os simuladores de pacientes TruCorp fornecem aos profissionais de saúde treinamento realista em gerenciamento de vias aéreas e muitas outras técnicas médicas.

Os treinadores de vias aéreas TruCorp têm uma longa vida útil e peças facilmente substituíveis, o que os torna ideais para cursos de treinamento em gerenciamento de vias aéreas e demonstrações de dispositivos de vias aéreas.

Os treinadores de gerenciamento de vias aéreas da nossa linha X apresentam as vias aéreas AirSim® X cobertas por uma garantia de 5 anos.


Intubation & Airway Training Manikins

Durable, realistic patient simulators for education & training

TruCorp patient simulators provide healthcare professionals with realistic training in airway management and many other medical techniques.

TruCorp airway trainers have a long lifespan and easily replaceable parts, making them ideal for airway management training courses and airway device demonstrations.

Airway management trainers in our X range feature the AirSim® X airway covered by a 5-year warranty.  Contact us for pricing, or to request a free virtual demonstration.

Healthcare professionals worldwide recognize TruCorp AirSim airway management training manikins as the gold standard in airway management training equipment.


The TruMan Trauma X is ideal for training in airway management, cricothyrotomy, tracheostomy, tension pneumothorax, CPR and more.

Our airway training heads are designed to be true to life and withstand repeated use in a busy classroom setting. The “real feel” silicone skin covering facilitates ventilation training, and our AirSim airway is based on CT-DICOM data taken from real human patients. All intubation heads feature an inflatable tongue to simulate edema in difficult intubation practice.


Watch product demonstration videos, read testimonials from our clients or browse replacement parts and consumables.

